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A Chat with the Author

Behind the Scenes with Dezi Golden



When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?

When I'm not writing, which is my favorite hobby, I'm coaching, healing others, or helping clients in my private practice. I enjoy my massage and intimacy life coaching work a few days a week, and spend the rest of my time with my grandson, friends, traveling, and writing. 



How do you discover the ebooks you read? 


Honestly, I don't have much time to read anymore because any free moment I can find, I'm writing, but if I do download an audio or ebook it's usually because someone recommended it.  I believe authors to be some of the most prolific humans out there and if I'm called to read their work or it's recommended to me more than three times, I certainly try to do so. Writing is not read an author's work! It means the world to them!!!! 



Do you remember the first story you ever wrote? 


Oh my yes. I remember the first story I ever wrote was back in first grade about a little boy who loved a little girl so much they grew together until the day they married knowing all along that their souls were born to be together. Many would eye-roll that or judge it but it's the mind I was given...I'm not wasting it! Now, the first book I ever published? That's something I'll never forget! BreathHealer Book I is still a great love story for me because it incorporates so much of my past in it. It was also the first story I'd ever finished and stepped forward with, into a 275-page novel. This was back in 2009, so quite a few years back but it sparked a fire within me. I will forever write, read, and dream in books. 



What is your writing process? 


My writing process starts with me scribbling on paper in a brainstorming type fashion or waking up and jotting down whats shouting at me from my subconscious. It's amazing what you can hear if you're still enough to listen. I get many story ideas (usually upon waking as I come out of my REM cycle) and then I will begin my favorite part, character creation! I wait until a name flows into my mind, I write it in the middle of a sheet of paper and then I brainstorm and write non-stop all of the attributes to the person, what happens to them, why, how they look, how old they are, what they feel, etc., etc., etc. It's a crazy process if anyone was to witness it, but it's my "crazy". For me, brainstorming really works and sets a good foundation for the start to a new novel. Many things build and change from there, this creative process is absolutely wonderful...and slightly exhausting, but I wouldn't change it. It works for me...and admittedly is so satisfying because it feels like freedom. I think most of us have an inner artist and sometimes we just have to let him/her have free reign at times. 



Describe your desk


My writing desk is my lap lol! I have a MacBook Air Laptop that I take everywhere with me in my purse. It's the best computer I have ever owned and is ready to go when I open the cover at the park, a coffee shop, on airplanes, or in the car when someone else is driving. I can write just about anywhere...and while carrying on a conversation too! I guess I'm pretty talented in that way. When writing, I'm most comfortable with yoga pants on, a hoodie, uggs, and the fireplace going in the winter months which is not that long here in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I've also been known to frequent our neighborhood pool with my beach bag and laptop in tow. I'm challenged to see how many books I can write and publish in the sunshine!! 



Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing? 


I was born and raised in central New Jersey...kinda out in the farm parts where I watched cows roam around outside my classroom windows while in school. The bus ride to school was long, about 45 minutes, so I began reading heavily on the way to and from school. I learned what I loved to read about how characters looked in my head and how to try to get a reader (listener) to understand my point of view. Writing, for me, is a magical way to use the language you've been help others understand. I find it so interesting how some can get you on the deepest level, and even hear the words you may have forgotten in the paragraph and yet others will commit DEEPLY to misunderstanding everything you've written. Fascinating... 

When did you first start writing? 


I started writing as a "writer" on February 14, 2009 as I pulled out of the driveway of my recently sold New Jersey home. It was the day I left my old life to start a new one in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I had always written in my life but started seriously considering publishing in 2009. BreathHealer Book I was actually created in my head on the four-day drive from New Jersey to New Mexico. When I reached our new rental, I dug out my laptop from the moving boxes and started my fingers typing away while waiting the four months it took to build a new home. In my careers, I had always been good at communicating verbally as well as in writing, but that was always for employment reasons. When I started writing for pleasure, it was a game-changer. I found I was more creative, emotionally vulnerable, and fearless! It's true what they say about finding your passion... 



What's the story behind your latest book? 


The latest book is about a serial killer...I won't say much more than that. I have been able to pull in some past law enforcement skills, some physiology, and anatomy knowledge from my massage therapy career, and even some intimate details from my intimacy coaching practice. All my characters are completely made-up but understanding and working with humans helps. 



What is the greatest joy of writing for you? 


The greatest joy of writing for me is the freedom to create in my own way, in my own time, and for my own reasons. Freedom is priceless to me. A big plus to that is that some feel I express my creativity well and feel what I have to say matters. Kinda cool. 


What do your fans mean to you? 


They are the best! It's a very personal thing, writing. I enjoy it tremendously. When I hear from a fan though, and they can articulate how a chapter or a lesson positively affected's pure elation. Love them so much. Funny thing is, you'll have people around you your whole life professing how much they love you unconditionally but won't ever even attempt to read one paragraph you've written stating, "Oh, I'm just not a reader." or "I don't like the genre" but.............

die and be buried in a box...and they'll read every damn thing you scribbled on paper! People fascinate me 



What inspires you to get out of bed each day? 


The sunshine here in Las Cruces, New Mexico, is what really gets me going. I always tell people, "the bulbs are brighter here" and they look at me strange then giggle, but honestly, the sunshine here is a big part of the reason I chose New Mexico. We have 360 days of sun! Perfect for writing and publishing book. Life is wonderful! I'm thinking I'm on a quest to find more sun to write in around the be continued- 



How do you approach cover design? 


I often try to incorporate items, or say, the eye color of a main character. I love book covers and the art they can portray. Admittedly, I will judge a book by it's cover at first glance. I feel many people still do. And it's quite alright... 



What is your e-reading device of choice?

Right now it's a toss-up between Audible and Kindle, depends on where I'm able to read from. 



What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you? 


Online for sure. I'm pretty convinced most people really enjoy their phones lol. Make it easy for them to get your book on their phone? Bam, instant fan ha! As life evolves and changes I'll try to evolve as well. Technology is fascinating and books should be able to go with us no matter the future right? 



What are you working on next? 


Another story about human connection. What's better than finding your connections right?, for me there is nothing better!



Who are your favorite authors? 


I love authors who take the time to create love or connection between others. Gary Zucav has done amazing growth from his earlier life and I understand his soul-speak like I've heard it in a passed life. When Gary speaks (or writes) my ears atune lol. I'll always enjoy Tony Robbins, he such a king-soul among us. I enjoy how he's made the world a better place. I do very much enjoy Brene Brown in the last few years because she backs her shit up with research. I admire those who can answer my "why's" and give me even better "why's" lol. Love Maya Angelou for obvious reasons. I adore anyone brave enough to write erotica without making it creepy...I mean, what's better than passionate bonding love! There are so many. I think I just love that an author decides to put themselves out there, it's so brave. You've got critics who are waiting to pounce because they (in many aspects) can't do it, but an author will step forward into their gift anyway. Some people can be so cruel and try to tear an artist down in three words. A writer will take it in stride, turn it into a chapter, and laugh all the way to the bank. Love it! 



Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you? 


If I'm to be honest, it was more pictures and picture books that ignited my imagination. PLEASE, show your infants the pages of books and the artwork! I'd like to give credit to an author here if I could but for me, it was all the illustrators! An artist helped fuel the fire of my imagination...from there I learned to put words on paper for what I could see in my mind. Even today, I see the scene or movie in my mind first, then I try to put it down on paper so the reader can make it even more beautiful in their mind. 



What do you read for pleasure? 


Lol, for my pleasure I read my texts and emails from fans. Never underestimate the power of good souls around you. I love humans who "human" well- 



How do you handle haters or those who judge without even reading your work? 


Great question. I guess first, I remind myself that they're some people here hating on their own journey so of course they're gonna hate on how happy mine is. Early on in my life I had to learn about truthers and liars, unfortunately liars seem to get much more attention but, truthers get LOVE!!!! To me there is nothing better than love. Thats why my stories tend to always incorporate love. I believe the strongest souls I've ever met have been those brave enough to be vulnerable, to me truthers are vulnerable and get the MOST love. I let haters get their attention, whatevs. 

I do thank the haters though, they show me exactly who I never want to be. 


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